Friday, April 8, 2011

[Depot] Concept Development - Concept Model

Concept Model

Concept Model (side)

Concept Model (side)

3D Model (1)

3D Model (2)

3D Model (3)

Final Parti

Inspiration struck when reviewing the many models that the Freshman class in the interior design program had done. I loved how many of the students had chosen to cut out patterns in their models and I thought it would go well with my "implied wall", closed but open, concept of my project. I drew from my inspiration and made two circles, then I took my parti's radiating lines as guides for the cutouts. I made each cutout different for visual interest and added color, orange in the center fading to purple on the outside to mimic a glow, since my inspiration deals with light. The models rocked back and forth on its sides and the cutouts were very dynamic. I learned some new techniques from the Freshman and tried to keep it simple while adding much visual interest. I am very satisfied with my model and feel that a good concept model lends itself well to a good design.


Inspiration Object Analysis Sheet

Sheet of Abstract Sketch Partis

Partis used for Patterns (Final on Left)

Final Pattern


Taking one of the concept model partis, I made pattern out of it by mirroring and rotating that one block and transferred that pattern onto an actual piece of fabric. The analogous color scheme (orange, red-violet, and red) made the pattern pop! Emphasis was given to the lines networking the pattern together. Through this process, I learned how easy it was to make a pattern and how many different ways you could make a pattern. Also, the strategic placement of color can make the pattern look different, bringing emphasis to certain parts or other of the pattern.

The textile that arrived LATE was actually not what I was expecting. I was expecting brighter colors and the pattern was done too big, the test sample I had printed out on the plotter was much smaller and more compact. I do like the fabric, however, and would like to work with Spoon flower again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sketchup Kitchen

This is my first time using Google Sketch-up and it is a very user-friendly program! This is what my Grandparent's kitchen would look like from my final last semester. I adore the apple martini quartz countertops! This has made me want to download the program onto my laptop so I can instantly visualize my thoughts and ideas of interior spaces!